1.If 2011 is to be a record year for stocks, this earnings season had better get off to a strong start.
2.Thomson Financial estimates the industry will report another record year.
3.Japanese firms have been able to make $71 billion in foreign acquisitions so far in 2008, which is on track to be a record year.
4.Government housing price figures have shown record year-on-year rises over the past two months.
5.It has also been a record year for inbound deals as both countries start to accept the reality of global business flows.
6.But the wind and solar sectors were still poised for a record year in 2010, operators and investors say.
7.Chinese cross-border acquisitions are also up this year, although the deals still lag behind 2008, the record year.
8.This could be a record year for tornadoes, but you don't see too many of them up in Massachusetts.
9.All the signs are that this will be a record year for the Fringe, with advance ticket sales 20% up on 2007.
10.Somalia's pirates are on pace for another record year in 2011, with 199 attacks as of October versus 126 over the same period in 2010.